June 2023: Editorial
‘The poor you will always
have with you’ (Jn12:8)
David O’ Hare from Trócaire has made over 30 overseas trips on behalf of the agency to try and bring to the world’s attention the needs of some of the poorest people on earth. As one part of the world hungers for the latest iphone or other piece of technology millions just hunger for nourishment, healthcare, education or basic human rights. In June Intercom David gives a harrowing account of his most recent journey to Somalia and the millions of people and families now facing starvation thanks to three years of drought and inadequate government support. Their prayers to God for help as they abandon their homes and wasted livestock, bury their children and walk desperately and endlessly for their lives can only be answered by the response of generous hearts and hands of those who have more.
As I read David’s firsthand account of this tragedy the radio blared out news of the unexpected surplus of billions of euros in tax revenue that our own government must now plan to deliver in a way that best pleases the electorate. Increasing the overseas aid budget is probably not on their list of priorities. In so many respects however Irish people have demonstrated that helping others is a priority for them. We have to pray this year that there will be no Trócaire boxes left sitting at home and that we will all make an extra effort on behalf of those who need help so urgently. They are asking God for help and God is asking us to help him answer their prayers – he has no hands but ours.
Paul Clayton-Lea