June 2024: Prayers and Reflections

Prayers and Reflections
June 2024

The Pope’s Monthly Intention
For migrants fleeing their homes: We pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys full of danger and violence, find welcome and new opportunities in the countries that receive them.

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An Exam Prayer

God stay close to me today
Guide my study and light my way.
Ease my nerves and comfort me
With peace and love so tenderly.
May I remember the things I need
And understand all I study and read.
May I strive to give my best
And do myself justice in each test.
May the topics I know and like appear
On the exam paper to lessen my fear.
And during the moments I may feel stressed
I’ll try to remember the ways I’m blessed.
And if there are times that I feel at sea,
Help me to trust that you’re here with me.



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World Day of Prayer for Priests  • 7 June

Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments. Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. Set their souls on fire with love for your people. Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and strength they need to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow them to experience joy in their ministry. Help them to become instruments of your divine grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen. 

USCCB Prayer for Priests 

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The Irish Martyrs of the (16th & 17th centuries) • 20 June 2024

On 22 September 1992 Pope John Paul II proclaimed a representative group of men and women who died for the Catholic faith in the 16th and 17th centuries as martyrs and beatified them. The Pope prayed.

‘To the Martyrs’ intercession I commend the whole people of Ireland: their hopes and joys, their needs and difficulties. May everyone rejoice in the honour paid to these witnesses to the faith. God sustained them in their trials. He comforted them and granted them the crown of victory. May he also sustain those who work for reconciliation and peace in Ireland today! Blessed Irish Martyrs, intercede for the beloved Irish people!’

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Day for Life  • 16 June 2024

Intercessory Prayers for end-of-life care

For those who have grown very old,
especially elderly parents and grandparents:
that the love and respect of their children
might sustain them and bring them joy;
We pray to the Lord:

For all who live in nursing homes,
and especially for those who are alone or in pain:
that we might cherish the gift of their wisdom,
and the enduring example of their faith;
We pray to the Lord:

For those who have grown very old,
and especially for those tempted to die:
that God might grant them patient endurance
to do his will and serve his Gospel;
We pray to the Lord:

For all who are about to die:
that through our love, care, and devotion,
they might know the beauty of life,
to the moment of their final breath;
We pray to the Lord:

Almighty God, thank You for sustaining us through every stage of life, until our closing moments. Please draw near to all who are experiencing pain, serious disability, frailty or illness and, along with those who care for them, grant them comfort, hope and peace.



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