March 2020 Intercom: Features and Content


The March 2020 issue of Intercom is out now!


The March issue features the response of the Bishops of Northern Ireland
to the new legal framework for Abortion services in Northern Ireland, a
piece entitled ‘The Colour Panels in An Leabhar Aifrinn Rómhánach’ by
Fr Oliver Crilly, and a Catholic perspective on the common phrase
‘Spiritual but not Religious’ by Fr Bill Cosgrave.


The issue also features thoughts on Psalm 116 by Fr Sean Maher,
an article on Religious Education in the Junior Cycle by Kate Liffey
and an apologetics piece by Dr Sean O’Leary entitled ‘Can Science
Confirm Genesis?’


This month’s featured article comes from Emma Tobin, who offers a
personal reflection on Faith in the digital world of Social Media –
click here to read this article.


Click the link for our monthly newsletter resources, reflections,
Irish notes, apologetics pieces and more: March 2020 Resources