November Intercom Features and Content
Our November issue of Intercom is out now! This month’s issue features a piece by Father Denis Browne PP on All Souls Day and funeral practices in Brazil. The cover photo, taken by Father Browne, features the funeral of a bishop in Mato Grosso.
In our new issue, Bishop Dermot Farrell offers his perspective, as a recently-appointed Bishop, on the challenges and opportunities for the Irish Church; John Mullen reflects on the World Meeting of Families; pieces by Doctor James Coupe and Father Martin Daly offer two unique perspectives on the problem of pornography, and Maria O’Rourke offers guidance on getting the most from the Grow in Love – Fifth Class programme.
Also in this month’s issue, Canon Patrick Marron PE shares his reflections on the priesthood as a Diamond Jubilarian; Father Albert McDonnell offers models of pastoral leadership in the code of canon law; Father Laurence O’Connor shares his reflections on good celebration of the Eucharist, and Father Billy Swan offers guidance on praying the word of God.
All this and more, along with our usual prayers, reflections and resources for the month of November.
Click here for November contents page
Our November newsletter, editorial, Irish mass and prayer resources are available here.