Featured Articles

The World Meeting of Families: A Lourdes Reflection
The World Meeting of Family draws closer. We can count now the ‘sleeps’ as the children do for First Holy Communion. Here in Lourdes this week we have time to pray a pilgrimage of preparation. The world is our home, given to us in trust for our children’s children. It is a time to rediscover
July-August Editorial – ‘Do not be afraid’
On the morning of 26 May 2018, many Irish people felt that they had woken up in a foreign country. The outcome of the previous day’s referendum was sad but unsurprising; the scale was staggering; the jubilation was shocking – indeed disgusting to many; the anti-Catholic sentiment that laced the commentary was both interesting and

June Editorial – Rejoice and Be Glad!
Our faith is as big as the universe: it gives us a vision we can always be striving after, an arc under which every day of our lives, every period of history, is lived.

Getting Our Congregations to Sing! – Father Liam Lawton
'The great French liturgist, Joseph Gelineau, once said: "If one voice in the assembly is silent, then the praise of God is incomplete …"

May Editorial – Time to Renew Our Covenant
"During those heady days in the autumn of 1979, who could have anticipated what lay ahead for the Irish Church?"

‘Vocation is Today; the Christian Mission is Now’
Father Willie Purcell, National Vocations Coordinator, reflects on Pope Francis' Message for Vocations Sunday, 22 April 2018.

World Meeting of Families Icon Prayer Service
As we prepare for the WMOF in Dublin in August this year, we offer this prayer service built around the WMOF Holy Family Icon.

Muire na nGael
On 1 February, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Brigid, Abbess and Secondary Patron of Ireland. Saint Brigid is renowned for her hospitality, almsgiving and care of the sick. From the archives, Mgr Raymond Murray gives us the history of the saint affectionately known as ‘Muire na nGael’. Click here to download a pdf of the

Unity is a God-Entrusted Life – Reverend Roy Cooper
A Reflection on John 17:20-26 for Christian Unity Week Be good. Take care of yourself. Have fun. Work hard. Make good decisions. Learn a lot. Be careful. Call if you need something. Remember, we love you. Those are the kind of things we say when we are leaving a son or daughter at University for

A Meditation on Luke’s Account of the Birth of Christ
From our Christmas double issue, author, educator and lay missionary Frances Hogan writes on the Holy Family, and the Birth of Christ. Read the full article below, or click here to print of download a PDF of the article. Christmas! We look forward to gifts, the family gathering and all the joys of the day