December-January 2019 Resources

Our Newsletter and Irish Mass resources for December-January 2019 are available here. We welcome you to use the following resources in any parish newsletter distributed free of charge.

Newsletter Resources:


Faithcast is the weekly podcast from, the news source for the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Presented by Brenda Drumm, Faithcast is a mixture of interviews and news from the Catholic Church in Ireland.

Episode 65 of Faithcast features an interview with Archbishop Eamon Martin on the Bishops’ Conference online interactive Advent Calendar for 2019 and on why it is important for people to faith to observe the Season of Advent.

The faith news this week features the Youth 2000 annual Christmas Retreat for young people; the conclusion of Pope Francis’ visit to Thailand and Japan; the launch of a new Youth Advisory Body within the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life; and, an invitation to the Poor Clares Sisters in Galway to appear on Britain’s Got Talent.

Click the link for this week’s episode