June 2019 Intercom Resources
Our Newsletter and Irish Mass resources for June are available here. We welcome you to use the following resources in any parish newsletter distributed free of charge.
Newsletter Resources:
- June 2019 Editorial: Grieving Beauty
- June 2019 Lectio Divina: (Romans 12:1-2) A Life Worthy of Christians
- June 2019: Leathanach don Cheiliuraí
- June 2019: Prayers and Reflections
- June 2019: The Deep End
- June 2019: Seeing your Life through the Lens of the Gospel
The Hook of Faith Podcast – Father Chris Hayden
‘The Hook of Faith’ is brought to you by ‘FERNS C.A.F.É’ (Catholic Adult Formation and Education) – a group in the diocese of Ferns, Ireland who are committed to the work of evangelisation and adult faith formation. The mission of ‘The Hook of Faith’ is to ‘Digitally proclaim the Gospel in the Diocese of Ferns and beyond’. Website: https://www.thehookoffaith.com/
Click the link below to listen to an in depth interview conducted by Father Billy Swan with the Editor of Intercom, Father Chris Hayden, on The Hook of Faith:
Faithcast, episode 46, Thursday 31 May 2019
Faithcast is the weekly podcast from catholicnews.ie, the news source for the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Presented by Brenda Drumm, Faithcast is a mixture of interviews and news from the Catholic Church in Ireland.
Episode 46 of Faithcast features an interview with Archbishop Eamon Martin on the #ThyKingdomCome prayer initiative; and an interview with Sean Coll from the Diocese of Kilmore on the visit of the relics of Saint Oliver Plunkett.
The faith news this week features the ‘Believers in the Digital World: Opportunities for Mission’ seminar that took place in Maynooth this week ahead of World Communications Day 2019; Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees; and an online survey being conducted by the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education on religious education and faith development for adults in Ireland.
Click here for this week’s episode https://audioboom.com/posts/7275757-faithcast-podcast-episode-46
10 principles offered to guide the presence of believers on the “digital highways” – Archbishop Eamon Martin
1. Be positive, communicating the ‘joy of the Gospel’.
2. Strictly avoid aggression and ‘preachiness’ online; try not to be judgemental or polemical.
3. Never bear false witness on the internet.
4. Fill the internet with charity and love, continually seeking to include a sense of charity and solidarity with the suffering in the world.
5. Have a “broad back” when criticisms and insults are made – when possible, gently correct.
6. Pray in the digital world! Establish sacred spaces, opportunities for stillness, reflection and meditation online.
7. Establish connections, relationships and build communion, including an ecumenical presence online.
8. Educate young people to keep themselves safe and responsible online, particularly in light of cyberbullying and the prevalence and accessibility of pornography and online gambling.
9. “Give a soul to the internet”, as Pope Benedict XVI once said – at all times witness to human dignity online.
10. Be missionary, remembering that, with the help of the internet, a message has the potential to reach the ends of the earth in seconds!
For full address by Archbishop Eamon Martin to mark World Communications Day 2019 click here.