Irish Notes: June
Leathanach don Cheiliuraí Download Irish Notes.pdf An Deichiú Domhnach Saor 5ú Meitheamh 2016, Bliain C An Tús Tá Críost i láthair lena Eaglais ina Bhriathar mar is eisean atá ag labhairt nuair a léitear na Scriopúir san Eaglais. Iarraimis ar an Spiorad Naomh solas agus méadú creidimh a a thabhairt dúinn as éisteacht le
Resources for the Family Mass: June
Download Resources for a Family Mass.pdf 5 June • Luke 7:11-17 Sacred Space: Posters of Merciful Father Homily: Compassion in our world Jesus responds to the bereft mother and the weeping family and friends with utter compassion. It is his immediate response to the desperate situation of human grief. How do I respond to the
Newsletter Resources: June
Download Newsletter Resources .pdf Week beginning Sunday, 5 June 2016 SEEING YOUR LIFE THROUGH THE LENS OF THE GOSPELS Luke 7:11-17 True compassion of one person for another can change a situation. When has the capacity of another person to empathise with you, and feel with you in a situation, made a difference? When has
June Editorial – The heart has its reasons…
‘And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.’ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince Download editorial .pdf Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was, and remains, one of the most widespread and

Intercom Resources: May
You are welcome to use these resources in any parish newsletter distributed free of charge. Please give credit to the author and/or this magazine.
Irish Notes: May
Download Irish Notes .pdf An séú Domhnach den Cháisc 1ú Bealtaine 2016 An Tús San Aifreann inniu tá béim ar shíocháin agus suaimhneas intinne. Deirtear linn a bheith síochánta le gach duine timpeall orainn agus mar thoradh ar sin beidh síocháin intinne againn féin. Smaoineamh San soiscéal inniu deireann Íosa lena
Resources for Family Mass: May
Download Resources for a Family Mass .pdf 1 May • John 14:23-29 Sacred Space: Scroll/baton/Dove/Peace lily. Homily: Love and Peace to You Today’s Gospel is about Jesus preparing the disciples for his leaving. He knew he had to leave his disciples and he knew that he had to prepare them for when he
Newsletter Resources: May
You are welcome to use these resources in any parish newsletter distributed free of charge. Please give credit to the author and/or this magazine. Download Newsletter Resources .pdf Week beginning Sunday, 1 May 2016 SEEING YOUR LIFE THROUGH THE LENS OF THE GOSPELS John 14:23-29 Jesus seeks to reassure his followers in
May Editorial – Mother of Mercy
Learn from Mary that tenderness which allows us to be witnesses of the maternity of the Church.’ – Pope Francis Download Editorial .pdf Pope Francis’ long-awaited apostolic exhortation on the family Amoris Laetitia (‘The Joy of Love’), on love in the family, underlines the pivotal role of the family at the heart of